Phil & Seb Ethipoia Siko Village Screen #14 Espresso 300g

SKU: 210000052032

A few things make this coffee special. First, the fundamentals: the coffee hails from Uraga, the powerhouse of West Guji. The coffee here is special. Credit belongs to the combination of exceptionally high altitude, a fortunate microclimate, great coffee varieties, and, of course, the careful preparation of Alemayehu Sali, the owner of the Siko mill.

Now, to the not-so-obvious reason this coffee is special, and to explain part of the title: “Screen 14”. This refers to a specific size of raw coffee. Think of a plate with holes in it, at one particular hole size, to only allow beans of that size to pass through. Why does that matter? Well, it almost certainly separates the coffee by variety, focusing on the smaller Kurume. One of the advantages of working directly with my amazing friend Abenezer from Origin Land is that you can request such things as the time of milling. In our view, it elevates this coffee by a point, focusing the flavors and amping up the sweetness.

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